A screw is an informal term for a guard in a prison. It may be derogatory or it may not be. It all depends on perspective. Now a nuthouse, it could be a storage facility for some industrious gray squirrel or where they keep a bunch of nuts, for tightening things. The other option is a place where they put the crazy people. Again, it's all about perspective. What's deemed crazy by you is completely normal to someone else. Take food for example: Some people in the world enjoy a maggot infested cheese as a delicacy, and that causes you to want to empty the content of your stomach behind a tree somewhere. To the cheesy eaters though it's completely normal and they laugh heartily at your prissiness, vomiting not as quietly as you thought behind that small shrubbery.
So, screw in a nuthouse...make up your own mind.
Perspective. Such a wonderful thing.
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