Shadow, 6yo Border Collie
Yesterday I encountered my second stray dog. Where my first was a very mellow adult pit bull terrier; the second one was a very fearful generic brown puppy, about 4 months old.
The pit bull I had no trouble with and I was able to take him to ACC myself. The puppy (I'm calling him Mr Testicles, or Mr. T for short.) was another story. I followed him from underneath a bus, to the car park on Florida street. He was very scared and growley (understandable under the circumstances). Myself and a coworker was rather unsuccessful nabbing the pup who by this point was under a car. Our lack of experience with a control pole is pretty apparent ;)
Thankfully an Animal Control Officer came to our collective rescue and got him out. I hope he'll be offered to us after his 5 day stray hold.